Coming to a blog tour near you...
I'm going to be participating in the Out of this World blog tour this year along with some fantastic SFR authors with a bevy of awesome books to promote and topics to prattle on about. The event should be a lot of fun and full of great info. I'm posting the schedule below. I'll be guesting afield as well as hosting an author on our site here.
I hope you all will follow along, there should be some give-aways in the works as well.
~ Frances
September 17Diane Dooley at Amber Norris’ bloghttp://sci-fiadventures.blogspot.com/
September 18Gary Starta at Melisse Aires’ bloghttp://melisseaires.blogspot.com
September 19Frances Pauli at Diane Dooley’s bloghttp://dianedooley.wordpress.com/
September 20Amber Norris at Greta van der Rol’sbloghttp://gretavanderrol.com/
September 21 Lilly Cain at Anne Kane’s bloghttp://www.annekane.wordpress.com/
September 22Greta van der Rol at Frances Pauli’s bloghttp://francespauli.blogspot.com/
September 23 Lisa Lane at Gary Starta’s bloghttp://praisegods.blogspot.com/
September 24 Melisse Aires at Lilly Cain’s bloghttp://www.annekane.wordpress.com/
September 25Anne Kane at Lisa Lane’s bloghttp://newsensuality.blogspot.com