I can't help but love the hustle and bustle before the holidays. Even with Nanowrimo dominating the majority of my traditional pre-Christmas prep time, I still manage to hit the ground running on Dec. 1. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Today is the eighth, eight days into my amazing virtual advent calendar (JacquieLawson.com and I recommend them!) and I have the house twinkling with lights, the tree up, and the first round of presents wrapped. My lists are assembled. (though not entirely checked off) I'm stocked up on cocoa and candy canes, and I've got Elvis Christmas in the boom box.
It's just not Christmas without Elvis.
On the literary front, I have a finished science fiction romance to be shopped (and shopped and shopped) a fresh, raw sequel waiting for its turn under the knife (edits) and a sparkling new work in progress that beckons to me, even as we speak. :)
I am expecting editorial notation (thrashing) on my upcoming release any day now, and I have a ready to hit the shelves holiday romance that I should be crowing about soon--very soon.
To keep things interesting, there are at least five short stories circulating in the ether that I could be hearing the "yay" or "nay" on any second.
Is that enough bustle for one holiday?
So, join me for some more. This weekend, both days, all day long we'll be having the annual Devine Destinies and Extasy books holiday party. They have a brand spanking new chatroom, and boy is it full of bells and whistles. :)
I'll be giving away a few ebooks each day to my readers who stop in and participate.
I hope to see you there: http://extasychat.com/
put in any ol user name you want, but don't pop in a password or it won't let you in.
It's tricky that way.
And did I mention that they're giving away a laptop?
~ Frances