If you read my blog remotely regularly, you'll have heard me singing the praises of the Espresso Book Machine. I love this thing, folks. Even more so because I have a few books in there. :)
So today when I found a tip on The Passive Voice, (the best, must read, publishing blog out there) I had to share it everywhere.
It seems my favorite little book spitter has signed a bigger and better deal and will soon be coming to a mall kiosk near you! Super squee....
The original post can be found here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/13/print-on-demand-books-espresso_n_1882616.html?utm_hp_ref=books
It's on its way up. I knew it would catch fire eventually. In the meantime, I'll just hang back and do the happy, happy dance.
P.S. anyone know the musical reference in today's title?
I'll give you either a Space Slugs ebook or the scifi antho pdf if you can tell me. :)
~ Frances