AUDIO Alien Giveaway

I have a free audio code for the A Little Short for an Alien anthology courtesy of and I want to share! My narrator is so awesome, and I love how he has voiced the kooky characters in the anthology so much. (he really did a perfect job. Yeah, Eric!)

So, since I'm lazy (I like to say busy but we all know the truth) I'm using this neato rafflecopter gadget below. If y'all can't figure it out let me know, I'll scratch my head with you and we can be confused together. :)

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter in the sidebar if you want a non-spam but easy ass way to find out about new releases, cover reveals and other such good news. I'm too cheap to pay rafflecopter though, so that's not on the "things to do to enter" list.

If you want a cookie for the newsletter sign up...give me some ideas in the comments and I'll work something out. Maybe a free short story or some Vogon poetry featuring you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway