Work Study

One thing I love about writing is that it never bores me. I know I've found what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, because I am fascinated by every aspect of my industry. Now, I may take this to extremes. I tend to "eat, sleep and drink" the job. (NOT in the Hemingway drink manner, mind you--not often)
But despite the fact that you sometimes have to pry me physically from engaging in the literary world and drag me kicking and screaming into things non-writerly...I think there's an upside to being engrossed in one's industry.

In fact, considering the state of our industry, I think educating oneself is mandatory. Authors today, no matter which little twisty path to publishing they walk, should be learning as much as they possibly can about the waters they swim in. Because there's a typhoon out there folks. Nobody, not legacy or indie or small press or self-pub will deny that the storm exists. It's probably the only thing they'll all agree on.

I have some links here that I believe are important to everyone's publishing education. They are not ALL from the Indie side, and in fact, one in particular goes a long way toward representing both sides.
Before you click and follow all three of these blogs...:)
Make sure if you only pick one that it is this one:
I know it's long, but it is worth reading. Here's a quote:

" Those are the questions that matter, no matter who is biased in an argument, or how, or why. And anyone who really gives a damn about books and publishing should be trying to answer those questions, not trying to avoid them." 

To be fair also, I am linking to the link they refer to, ie: the other side of the argument:

And to sum up, three blogs I think every author should be following and reading are:

In particular the last one, which is the aforementioned blog by a lawyer/author who is very careful to report from both sides of any lines imaginary or otherwise. Specifically he posts blogs that explain different contract features and clauses in terms that humans can understand.

Just in case you feel like studying the business along with the craft of writing. 

~ Frances