Please give a big welcome to today's guest, author, Iris Deorre. She is here participating in the Honey Bee blog Trick or Treat tour, and will be followed later this month by a second Honey Bee author. So, without further ado...
Meet author Iris Deorre, as she tells us about one of her favourite books.
Dracula is one of my favourite books. I loved that when Dracula first
sets foot on English soil it’s in Whitby, a place I can relate to, a place
I know and have visited myself even though the story does start with
Jonathan Harker visiting Count Dracula in Transylvania.
Every time I visit Whitby this story always comes to mind,
Dracula is like some sort of urban legend, did he or didn’t he exist and
this for me made the story exciting; a story that’s fictional but is full of
history and lovely use of the English language. I guess I’m drawn to
books that carry a story from a different time. Literature has always
been my favourite subject, the use of similes, metaphors and irony,
excites me. Even though I could never write so beautifully, I’ve always
loved the use of imagery used in this book, one example early in the
book when Jonathan Harker is on his way to count Dracula’s home, ‘All
at once the wolves began to howl as though the moonlight had some
peculiar effect on them.’ Love that! It just can’t be copied or said in
just any way, can it? It has to work and Bram Stoker has made it
work. I love to find the meaning behind the words, the emotions. How
people dealt with things in that time compared to how we deal things
now, one example is when Lucy gets the blood transfusion. Was there
blood type testing then? Or was it – roll up your sleeve and let’s do
this –like it was done with Lucy. This is how my mind works, crazy
hah, but I always wonder.
Meet author Iris Deorre, as she tells us about one of her favourite books.
Dracula is one of my favourite books. I loved that when Dracula first
sets foot on English soil it’s in Whitby, a place I can relate to, a place
I know and have visited myself even though the story does start with
Jonathan Harker visiting Count Dracula in Transylvania.
Every time I visit Whitby this story always comes to mind,
Dracula is like some sort of urban legend, did he or didn’t he exist and
this for me made the story exciting; a story that’s fictional but is full of
history and lovely use of the English language. I guess I’m drawn to
books that carry a story from a different time. Literature has always
been my favourite subject, the use of similes, metaphors and irony,
excites me. Even though I could never write so beautifully, I’ve always
loved the use of imagery used in this book, one example early in the
book when Jonathan Harker is on his way to count Dracula’s home, ‘All
at once the wolves began to howl as though the moonlight had some
peculiar effect on them.’ Love that! It just can’t be copied or said in
just any way, can it? It has to work and Bram Stoker has made it
work. I love to find the meaning behind the words, the emotions. How
people dealt with things in that time compared to how we deal things
now, one example is when Lucy gets the blood transfusion. Was there
blood type testing then? Or was it – roll up your sleeve and let’s do
this –like it was done with Lucy. This is how my mind works, crazy
hah, but I always wonder.
Iris Deorre started to write when she was seventeen. At the time it was a form
of escapism. By the time she hit her twenties she was writing short stories and
got one published in a women’s magazine. She went on to write short plays but
after meeting a well-known author who taught a writers class her focus changed
to Erotica. Her love for paranormal is what makes her combine the two.
She resides in the UK with her little girl.
The Whitby Ghost is the latest story from Iris Deorre.
of escapism. By the time she hit her twenties she was writing short stories and
got one published in a women’s magazine. She went on to write short plays but
after meeting a well-known author who taught a writers class her focus changed
to Erotica. Her love for paranormal is what makes her combine the two.
She resides in the UK with her little girl.
The Whitby Ghost is the latest story from Iris Deorre.

Roy has a past he'd rather forget. To overcome it he takes his girlfriend Melisa
to Whitby, the very place of his past that he is trying to forget. Roy believes it's
the only way to move on and to forget it by moving on with his future, Melisa.
But something is lurking in Whitby, something that Melisa becomes sensitive
to the minute they arrive. What she discovers is hard to swallow. What follows
is a journey to the other side. Something she'd rather forget.
Will Melisa marry her boyfriend who refuses to talk about his past? Or will his
past bring them closer?
Buy links
The Whitby Ghost Amazon UK
The Whitby Ghost Amazon US
The Whitby Ghost DE