I accept neither of those extremes, just so we're clear.
So...in the interest of brevity and to avoid redundancy, I'm not going to talk about the event exactly. I will say that, yes, I am participating again. I will say that, should you have little ones romping around your ankles, I highly recommend you direct them to the Young Writer's Program at http://ywp.nanowrimo.org as soon as possible.
I'll be doing something a little different this year. For the first time since 2007 I won't be writing a single novel in November. Instead, I'm tossing off a string of novellas and shorts set in some of my series' worlds. Hopefully, I'll get to most of them.
The tie-ins I'm definitely aiming for are:
A Dogs of War novella crossing over into the Corduroy County Coven series
A Shift Happens novella featuring the invisible Ian. And possibly a Christmas short set in the same universe.
A Kingdoms Gone short
and the Seelie/Unseelie story I've had in mind for a Changeling Race novella forever and ever.
So...wish me luck.
And if you choose to take the NaNoWriMo month to task, I wish you the same.
Happy penning,